Date night beers

Date night beers! Those happen pretty frequently actually. The novelty of this situation is me wearing lipstick…trying out something new. You think Rodney would be into it, with his tomato fetish and whatnot. His compliment that night: “It looks like you’re for hire.” I know he was joking, but man, we all know every joke has a seed of truth. Personally, I think that I look like an undercover agent working the beat in East LA, bringing an informant in for questioning. 

This week’s Wordless Wednesday post is about things that don’t usually happen.  Puppet shows, mud pits, lunch at the Google cafeteria (!!), dog trickery. If I could have more weeks like this one, I’d be a very happy person.

I promise you that our dog isn't about to poop on the floor

Other things that don’t usually happen…well, typically my dog doesn’t like to squat and do a #2 indoors. After yelling and screaming at him to stop, he admitted that he wasn’t ACTUALLY going to do it – he was just yanking my chain. I don’t know why he’d pull a stunt like that. My theory is that he wasn’t getting enough attention, so he pulled the old fake poop trick on us. He definitely got Emma’s attention – that’s her in a blaze of blonde hair running over to smack some sense into him. So responsible and she’s not even 2.

Looks creepy, but it's cool. A friend doing some market research on his new toy business.

Other things that don’t happen often: our kids getting a one-on-one puppet show from a stranger in the park. OK, now that I’ve freaked you out, don’t worry. He’s a friend of mine, it’s all good. NYC parks aren’t being stalked by a man in black carrying finger puppets. You can all go out and play again.

Clearly I'm not working for the right employer- fried quail #google #cafeteria #nyc

Here’s something that I’d like to do more often, if you know what I mean (hint, hint, stranger in the previous photograph). An invite to the Google cafeteria where all of the food is FREE and made by real chefs. Like this fried quail. Why have I not been working at Google all my life?

Lauren caught two butterflies stuck together. Give them some privacy girl.

Up at the lake there were some rare activities as well. Lauren caught two butterflies “stuck together” (aka doing the reverse cowgirl). Maybe the birds and the bees will be the right way to frame that conversation down the road after all.

Chocolate ice cream disaster

Sam getting ice cream on his face? Never. Well, often, but never to this extreme. And how NONE of the ice cream is touching his lips is some kind of miracle. And could somebody please get that boy a haircut?

#slipnslide #summerfun

You would think that we break out the Slip ‘n slide all the time, but no. It’s pretty rare, which is why they’re all running and trying to use it as fast as possible. It’s not that we don’t love it. The problem is that it turns our back lawn into a gigantic mud pit, which although fun, is not what you want to look at for the rest of the weekend.

At least she's doing woga while watching the iPad.

So rare is this activity, that I’ve never actually witnessed it. Emma doing yoga (aka “woga”) on a chair while playing Doodle Jump. I told her that if she wants to do woga she needs a peaceful setting, and to do it somewhere stable. To which she replied “that’s why I’m using the iPad and doing it on this chair!”

Thank heaven for little girls

But even after an eventful week, we still took some time to do one of our favorite activities: a bottle of wine on the porch as the sun begins to set. Look at how happy she is – somebody clearly likes wine! Smelling it at least. For now. After the yoga incident, I’m not quite sure what she’s capable of. Hopefully alcohol is still a few years out. Otherwise I’ll have to bore you in my next WW post with pictures of me drilling a lock into our liquor cabinet.
Have a great week everyone.

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