Good morning Chelsea! What a beautiful view. I love everything about my street: the tree canopy, the brownstones, and dog poop for miles. I should clarify, I don’t actually like the dog poop, but it’s heavenly for my dog, and he needs to enjoy his mornings too. So much to sniff, especially on a warm day.
I lied to you last week. Sort of.
I made you depressed, convincing you that summer was officially over. But just because Labor Day had come and gone, it didn’t mean that summer was actually over. To be truthful, we were still on vacation last week as school didn’t start until yesterday. Meaning that we had 7 whole days after Labor Day to get into trouble.
Here are a few things that we did before school started up. I wouldn’t recommend most of them.

Speaking of delicious smells, check out my breakfast that morning. A latte and donut from my favorite breakfast spot in NYC, The Doughnut Plant. That would be a chocolate donut, with a chocolate cookie crumb. It’s the most insane breakfast treat if you’re trying to gain a few pounds, which I assume most of us are.

And there’s no sense in starting off a day with chocolate donuts. That immediately designates the day as a bad eating day, so why not follow it up with a big plate of fries? Just don’t bring your kids as they’ll eat the fries right off your plate. Which defeats the purpose of your bad eating day. Meaning that you’ll have go for another bad eating day the next day just to keep things even.

Thank goodness for the lake, it always seems to keep me on track. Nothing kickstarts a morning like a gigantic coffee filled to the brim with half and half. Crap, bad drinking day is starting.

Might as well continue the bad drinking day and celebrate this win with a massive bottle of champagne. I’m talking Magnum here. The kind you order on New Year’s Eve when you’re traveling in the south of France. Which I assume is yearly for most of us, right?

Having seen way too much heavy drinking this summer, Jack decided to stage an intervention. He dunked me in a bucket of cold water and took me for a walk to his favorite “healing” place. It was nothing more than a little flower patch where he likes to pee, but in his own small way, I think he actually helped.

Lauren, too, was proud of my turnaround. “No booze and junk food for a few days mom? Awesome. I made a special jump for you.” And with that she launched herself into a 3-foot deep pool of water.

Now in addition to thinking his mother is an alcoholic, Jack has now become convinced that his sister has broken both her legs.

Clearly the anxiety was too much for him and he sought refuge in the watery depths of his favorite Yogi bowl.

Fortunately, the summer is now officially over. No more jumping into shallow water. No more junk food and alcohol binges. Time to snap back to reality. September is upon us. School is in session. We’re off to the races…Wish us luck.
Also, you make me want to hop a plane to NYC!!!
Thanks Tammi- we’ve been having fun in our last few days of summer, although it’s nice to finally have the kids back in school. Hope the year starts off on the right foot for you too. Have a great week!
Lovely set of photos the description of the first one made me laugh LOL
Have a pooptastic week 😉
It’s been a pooptastic week so far. Lots of morning walks, lots of poop. Hopefully you’ll have an equally pooptastic week. Thanks for stopping by.
Love your photos and love your street.
Thank you! Best street ever. Would live here forever if it weren’t for my vertically stacked kids in the bedroom.
Love the look of that donut and the fries. Yum. And that is a lot of energy and fun in the last photo.
Thanks, was shocked that it wasn’t tears on the way to school like last year. No idea where that move came from, but clearly she was feelin’ it.
Hari OM
Hey Jessica!! Oh this had me smiling all the way and i am totally in love with Jack! Have a great week now school’s back! YAM xx
Hi Yamini, thanks for stopping by! Life’s not complete without a little vizsla in it. Or fur baby of some kind. They make the world a better place. Have a great week.
Gorgeous photos! I’m glad to see you at WW Linky again today. Keep at it!
Thanks for the support Renae!
Wonderful shots. You have all been having interesting times. Thanks for hosting.
Yes, indeed, the most fun week last week. Hope you had a good one too!
I would lovelovelove to walk in that neighborhood! I miss real trees so much, and the way the sunlight gets through them in just the right places, leaving sunny spots all over everything.
A friend and I used to drink magnums of red wine every week. Now I have to hang my liver out to dry if I drink a regular bottle in a day. I’m getting so lame! But I blame it on being pregnant for 30 straight years.
We are indeed lucky, I love our street. So beautiful in the fall too when all the leaves turn color. But it comes at an expense, we are hunkered down in a 2-BR apartment with 5 people and a dog. But it’s kind of fun like that, at least when the kids are young.
And I talk a big game about all the booze, but really I save it for the occasional weekend – my biggest issue is sleeping problems from alcohol, it wakes me up in the middle of the night. Hate it! Have a great week…
These photos make me laugh! A beautiful way to start the morning.
Happy Wordless Wednesday from the Philippines! ;o)
Wow, awesome, all the way from the Philippines. I get such a kick out of visitors from such far off exotic places, fantastic. Thanks for stopping by, glad I could put a smile on your face, and have a great day.
Love your photos. You did a great job with the presentation as well.
Thanks, I think the heavy lifting was done by my awesome new app : )
Such fun! Love all the photos – Esp the one of Jack walking you. A familiar feeling from our fur-bag! Enjoy the week!
Thanks ML! Did you ever read Marley & Me? Jack walks me like that dog – I literally have to drag him back with two hands sometimes. I should have paid more attention during behavior training. But he’s still the best dog ever. Glad I’m not the only one who has to put up with the pulling. Have a great week!
Love Marley&Me – laughed and cried the whole way through! Libby is always dragging me about but she, as well, is the best dog ever (just like Koko was. Koko sent her actually!) It’s a full arm work out! Haha
So funny! I’m glad you are ok, and your child still has their limbs!
We started back on Aug 14.
August 14! So early, I grieve for you!
You are cracking me up. Love that your dog is so concerned for you that he staged his own little doggie intervention. Enjoy back to school!
He’s really just concerned that if all of us self-combust he’s going to end up at the pound.
I grew up on a street like that. I do miss the trees.
It reminds me of where I grew up too, lots of tree-shaded streets. There are some special little neighborhoods in NYC. Have a great week!
Wishing you luck. 🙂
Thanks Rosey!
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