Since I cooked the red beets last time (a mystery food failure), I thought I’d try the kids with golden beets. And this time, I’d be a little more strategic and make them into something that’s a little more familiar…chips. The kids love kale chips, so I figured this wouldn’t be too far removed. Their response was lukewarm – initially positive, then we trended hard and fast to the dreaded no way, no how, never again territory. Fortunately peas came to the rescue.
ME: Hey guys, guess what I made?
LAUREN: Beets.
ME: Yeah. They’re chips I made with beets.
ME: Do you want to try them? Because you didn’t love beets last time, but maybe you’ll like beets this time if they’re in a chip form. So Lauren’s eating the golden beets.
SAM: Me, too.
ME: Yeah, I’m going to have one, too.
[tasting the chips]
ME: What do you guys think?
LAUREN: Yummy.
SAM: Yummy.
ME: Yummy? No, way!
SAM: It tastes like real chips.
ME: It tastes like real chips? Pretty awesome, right? And, they’re made from beets. Emma, do you want to try?
LAUREN: I like the red one more (I threw in a few red ones for comparison).
ME: Yeah? The golden ones are bigger so they’re a little chewier on the inside, but they’re pretty good right? Would you eat a whole bowl of those?
LAUREN: Of the red ones.
ME: Of the red ones? Guess how many beets are in this.
SAM: Eleven.
ME: It actually took three beets to make these chips. You want to try, Emma? These are beet chips.
[Emma trying one]
ME: What do you think? You like them? Lauren likes the red ones more than the yellow ones. What do you think?
EMMA: I don’t like the yellow one.
ME: You want to try a red one to compare? You seem iffy on the golden beet. The red ones were smaller so they got a little crunchier.
EMMA: I don’t want to eat it.
ME: That’s fine. Lauren can eat all of them.
LAUREN: Un-Huh. Wait, no!
ME: Do you want more Sam?
SAM: I want peas.
EMMA: Peas.
ME: OK, that’s a fair trade.
Well, that’s one way to get them to eat their veggies. Love it. Thanks for sharing may try that one on that grandchildren. hehehe
Not a bad way to get them to try a new veg, crispy salty things always seem to work!
There’s something about beets. I wouldn’t go near them for a long time. Thank God for peas!
Funny, I just made chips with golden beets from our CSA too. They were a hit with my 2 year old! I did feel like it was a lot of effort for not a lot of chips but they were GOOD!
Yes, so much effort! They shrank to nothing, but at least it introduces the idea that they like beets
Mmm beet chips, great idea!!!
Those kids are classic! Love they’re commentary!
It’s fun to have all of these conversations to look back on…they’re super funny with these new foods. Hope you’re well! xo
I love beets, but I didn’t as a youngster. Mom always made Harvard beets (so did mother-in-law). But just plain beets with a bit of butter are better–much better.
Indeed, simple preparations for beets are always my favorite too