“The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant, and let the air out of the tires.”

Dorothy Parker

“Mom, can we borrow something from your closet?”

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“That was fun. Hey you guys, what do you want to do next?”


“I’m bored, can we go to the park?”



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“Now what?”


“Mom, we made you something.”

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“Can you pass some more food coloring?”

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“OK, I think we’re done.”

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“Don’t worry Mom, I’ll clean it up.”


“Guys, you can’t leave me with all of this.”

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“We’re having frozen pizza and frozen macaroni for dinner.”

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“Can we have this all of the time?”


“My feet turned red!”

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“My hands!”

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“Bedtime in 10 minutes.”


“Hey mom? I love you more than a 13,000 branch tree.”

“And mom? I remember when you gave birth to me.” “That’s why I love you.”

“You guys are funny and exhausting and tell me the strangest things, but you know what? I couldn’t imagine life without you.”

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