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I don’t remember my first wedding, but I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t invited to one until I was old enough to drive.

Weddings are fun, they’re boisterous events with family and friends and they always – always – have drama. This wedding was no exception, and I’ll spare you all of the gory details save for this little hint: the bride was ill. She’s now recovered and although she could have been in better health for her wedding weekend, she’s relieved that she made it down the aisle that day. We’re all relieved.

My sister got married over Labor Day weekend and I’ve been excited to share some of the pictures from the event since it took place in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

My girls were excited to pack up and travel to Canada, eager to be the center of attention in their brand new flower girl dresses.

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The wedding was held at the Prince George hotel in downtown Halifax, which is where we stayed for the entirety of our trip. There we spent time unpacking…

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And swimming.  They have a gorgeous pool surrounded by big bay windows. The kind of pool that could finally convince Sam to get over his fear of the deep end.

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The rehearsal dinner was held at a boathouse on the water, giving us a proper view of the famous Maritime sunsets.


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(hi Mum!)


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The main event was the next day and we woke up early, eager to lay out our clothes for our walk down the aisle.



Finally it was Go time; Sam stepped into a suit for the first time while the girls zipped up their dresses.

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Flower girl and Sam

And then we waited…

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With the signal to head downstairs, we squeezed ourselves into the elevator and stood at the top of the aisle. I don’t remember being nervous or emotional for my own wedding, but for I felt tears well up as I walked towards the altar.

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Carrie, if you’re reading this, you looked beautiful.



When we finally got to party, it was well-earned…

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My Dad (center) got to spend time with his five siblings who are never in the same city at once. Always a thrill to see them all together…

The next day was free, meaning no scheduled activities, no hair appointments, just a full day to explore the city of Halifax. The city is gorgeous, a few pictures from our walk around town….


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And if the city of Halifax is a looker, Point Pleasant Park is heaven on Earth….rocky coastline, clear blue waters, wind-bent trees. Not only does it have a stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean, but you can pick wild raspberries and blackberries as you explore its nearly 200 acres.

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And no, that’s not Jackson, that’s his brother-in-kind, my sister’s handsome vizsla Rousseau.

At last it was time to head back home to New York. Since we’d been at the lake all Summer it was nice to come back home, we’d missed it. And we’d missed this view.

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City adventures are just beginning to unfold; I’ll make sure to keep you posted about all that we’ve been up to since we’ve been back.

All the best….

Note: with a bouquet of flowers in my hands during the ceremony, I wasn’t able to take any pictures; thank you to wedding photographers Soho North and my “effin’ aunt Gina” for helping me fill out the story!

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