
I’m well aware that these may be the last of my Fall images. It was perfect weather until two weeks ago when the polar ice caps did their dance, vortexes (vortices?) brewed, and two unwelcome sets of Arctic winds swept through the East Coast. Fortunately we were in California last weekend and missed a cold Thanksgiving. But the weekend before, brrr……

I’m still sorting through the hundreds of images that I took on our trip to LA – I’ll post a few of those next week. My family can expect an album-length synopsis of every waking minute from touchdown to wheels up. A new camera will do that to you.

I bought my camera as an early Christmas present – to myself – which I never do. But I’ve been lusting after a new camera for years. I’d done the research, I’d picked out the lens. I’d even rented both pieces, just to be sure.

It’s a genius camera and a joy to use. I’ve loved taking it on long walks with the kids, and bought it just in time to catch the last of our Fall colors.









One of my favorite features of the new camera is that it can shoot in low light conditions. Finally I can capture images of my favorite quiet moments; the early mornings when Jackson sneaks into my bed…


The kids’ sick days, which, strangely enough, are days that I treasure. One-on-one time doesn’t come easily when you have three kids.

Sick days are particularly peaceful when I have this one at home with me….


My thinker, my brooder, my lover of books. The girl with the gentle voice and gentler demeanor.


And then this young lady….I can’t get any work done when this one’s sick. She’s too busy asking for kisses, asking for juice, asking for, asking for, asking for….And of course I can’t deny her any of it.


With all of this cold weather, we’ve been hunkering. Dancing…




Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset



Baking cocktails into cakes… (aka Nigella Lawson’s booze-saturated Christmas cake which made our house smell like Williams-Sonoma for a day. You should try it.)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Next week I’ll recap our sunny Thanksgiving weekend, and the week after that, who knows. Maybe our first snow? Little fur-trimmed boots? Flushed red cheeks and soggy wool mittens? I can only hope.

Have a wonderful week everyone….

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