
Last week I wrote about Foragers Market in Chelsea, which is my go-to grocery store here in Manhattan and they were kind enough to share it on their own blog. Over the past few months, I’ve become friendly with Maggie, who runs their branding/social media and does all of the packaging design. You’ll hear more about Maggie in a few weeks when I unveil a top-secret new blog design. 

Not so top secret anymore. But I do have some great news. The blog is getting a facelift, and one of my key objectives is to remove all of the sidebar advertising. Because nobody should be forced to look at that nonsense when they’re trying to scrutinize a simple cocktail recipe. Correct?


I’m so thrilled to have a touch of Foragers’ style in the new blog design. Before I met Maggie, who I consider to be a mega-talented illustrator and designer, I carried the packaging from a Foragers Market chocolate bar in my purse for a whole year. I just knew that somehow I wanted to infuse a little bit of hand-drawn illustration into the blog one day.

It was like meeting a celebrity when Maggie and I finally met – as in “YOU were the person who designed my favorite chocolate bar wrapper?” (followed by some mental weeping and bowing)

And next week – starting on March 9 I’ll be hosting Foragers’ Instagram feed for a week, sharing all kinds of products that I buy in the store, and what I make with them. If you’re on Instagram, you should check them out @foragersnyc.


Given that I natter on about this place ad infinitum, I thought that I’d share some images of a recent visit. I love so many things about Foragers Market – obviously the products, but also the industrial design, the light, the rotisserie chickens, my buddy Shawoun who tends to the shelves and asks about the meals that I’m planning with his produce.

We need more grocery stores like Foragers in our country – the kind of place where many of the products are vertically-integrated, the food is made in-house, where care is taken to ensure that producers use ethical growing and manufacturing practices. Yes, you’ll pay a premium for products, but as I always say (particularly as an expat who can’t yet vote in this country), I vote with my dollars. And my vote, always, is for good food.













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