This week I brought home some micro greens from the Farmers’ Market. What I didn’t know is that prior to our mystery food session, Rodney had taken the kids out for donuts and movie popcorn. So while I was running errands with Emma, Lauren and Sam were feasting on more junk than I usually eat in a week.
So what I’m trying to say is that micro greens were off to a horrible start. But miracle of all miracles, even after the sugar and the salt, Lauren said that she liked them. Loved them actually. Especially with a little drizzle of oil and salt. Can’t say I blame her after the morning she had. But I’m eager to get more of these greens into the rotation.
ME: This mystery food is micro greens. What does it look like?
SAM: It looks like bananas. It looks like strawberry ice cream.
LAUREN: I think it looks like clear donuts, with clear frosting.
ME: Are we looking at the same thing or is there a dessert hidden somewhere?
LAUREN: Donuts.
ME: Why donuts?
LAUREN: Because we just ate them.
ME: Who?
LAUREN: Us! I had strawberry.
ME: What? No wonder! Who took you?
LAUREN: We got it from Daddy. Dunkin’ Donuts.
ME: So that’s how he gets you to eat your lunch.
ME: Why’d you get Dunkin’ Donuts?
LAUREN: Because it was our special day going to the movies. We got popcorn.
ME: What? You got popcorn and donuts today?
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