The starfruit is interesting to me because it has so much untapped potential. I generally see it on top of fruit salads to make them pretty, when this is actually the worst thing you could do to this subtle fruit. Much like eating a delicate goat cheese after starting with a funky blue, once you eat any other kind of fruit, this one tastes like…nothing. But there are some beautiful apple-banana-pineapple notes that are noticeable when eaten alone.
What is this?
LAUREN: “I forgot the name. But I’ve seen it.”
How many senses do we have guys?
SAM: “Three!”
RODNEY: “That’s right Sam!”
ME: “Let’s pretend Daddy didn’t say that.”
What do you see?
LAUREN: “I see that they’re like stars. Like they’re kind of brownish yellow.”
SAM: “I see big stars.”
What does it smell like?
SAM: “Strawberries.”
LAUREN: “Salad!”
What does it feel like?
LAUREN: “Wet.”
SAM: “I hear nothing!”
What does it taste like?
LAUREN: “Like it.”
SAM: “Is it a smashed lemon?